※Pharo関係記事の投稿順Indexは こちら
※Smalltalkの法灯を継ぐモダンな処理系Pharo様を練習してます。今回の動作確認には、Windows11上のWSL2の上のUbuntu24.04LTS上のPharo 10.0.0を使用しています。
RustにいればRustに従え(6) 吉例mandelbrot集合を描く、mut無、for2
やっつけな日常(7) スマホでGo! fmt.Printで吉例マンデルブロ集合を描く
| mandelbrot | mandelbrot := MyBitMap new. mandelbrot drawMandelbrot. mandelbrot writePPM: 'mandelbrot.ppm'
上記により出力された mandelbrot.ppm を外部のグラフィック表示プログラムで表示したところが以下に。
MyBitMapクラスに以下の drawMandelbrotメソッドを追加してます。画面が256×256サイズである前提で定数をキメウチしてます。画面サイズの変更に対応できない手抜きなメソッドっす。
MyBitMap >> drawMandelbrot | pa pb | 1 to: 256 do: [ :i | pa := -1.5 + (i / 128.0). 1 to: 256 do: [ :j | pb := 1.0 - (j / 128.0). self dotX: i dotY: j color: (MyBitMapColor new setMandelbrotColorPIXa: pa b: pb) ] ]
上記では、MyBitMapColorクラスのインスタンスに setMandelbrotColorPIXa:b:なるメソッドを送って各ピクセルの色を指定しています。
MyBitMapColor >> setMandelbrotColorPIXa: afloatA b: afloatB | mdlev | mdlev := self class mandelbrotPA: afloatA pb: afloatB. mdlev > 999 ifTrue: [ self red: 0 green: 0 blue: 0. ^ self ]. mdlev > 20 ifTrue: [ self red: 255 green: 255 blue: 255. ^ self ]. mdlev > 15 ifTrue: [ self red: 200 green: 200 blue: 120. ^ self ]. mdlev > 10 ifTrue: [ self red: 150 green: 150 blue: 120. ^ self ]. mdlev > 5 ifTrue: [ self red: 100 green: 100 blue: 120. ^ self ]. mdlev > 3 ifTrue: [ self red: 60 green: 60 blue: 120. ^ self ]. mdlev > 2 ifTrue: [ self red: 20 green: 20 blue: 120. ^ self ]. self red: 10 green: 10 blue: 80. ^ self
さて上記の中で呼び出している mandelbrotPA: pb: こそがマンデルブロの中核の計算であります。これは苦し紛れにMyBitMapColorクラスのクラスメソッドにしてしまいました。どうなんだろ~。
MyBitMapColor class >> mandelbrotPA: afloatA pb: afloatB | xn yn x y r cnt | x := 0.0. y := 0.0. r := 0.0. cnt := 0. 1 to: 1000 do: [:i | xn := (x * x) - (y * y) + afloatA. yn := 2.0 * x * y + afloatB. r := (xn * xn) + (yn * yn). x := xn. y := yn. cnt := i. r > 100.0 ifTrue: [ ^ cnt ] ]. ^ cnt
Pharoといっしょ(5) PPM形式カラービットマップグラフィック(テキストファイル)出力 へ戻る
Pharoといっしょ(7) 工夫の無い数値積分でπ(パイ)を計算してみる へ進む
Object subclass: #MyBitMap instanceVariableNames: 'width height cmax buf' classVariableNames: '' package: 'My-BitMap'! !MyBitMap commentStamp: 'JosephHalfmoon 7/9/2024 14:09' prior: 0! To generate a PPM format bit map graphics file. - writePPM 'filename.ppm' - dotX: x dotY: y color: c - generateSamplePattern - To create instances. MyBitMap new. ! !MyBitMap methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'JosephHalfmoon 7/8/2024 14:11'! width ^ width! ! !MyBitMap methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'JosephHalfmoon 7/8/2024 14:11'! height ^ height! ! !MyBitMap methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'JosephHalfmoon 7/8/2024 17:22'! dotX: w dotY: h color: rgb w > width ifTrue: [ ^ false ]. h > height ifTrue: [ ^ false ]. buf at: ((h - 1) * width + w ) put: rgb. ^ true ! ! !MyBitMap methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'JosephHalfmoon 7/8/2024 14:12'! cmax ^ cmax! ! !MyBitMap methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'JosephHalfmoon 7/8/2024 17:26'! width: anIntegerW height: anIntegerH | temp | temp := MyBitMapColor new. width := anIntegerW. height := anIntegerH. buf := Array new: (width * height) withAll: temp.! ! !MyBitMap methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'JosephHalfmoon 7/8/2024 17:31'! initialize | temp | super initialize. temp := MyBitMapColor new. width := 256. height := 256. cmax := 256. buf := Array new: (width * height) withAll: temp. ! ! !MyBitMap methodsFor: 'utilities' stamp: 'JosephHalfmoon 7/8/2024 17:33'! writePPM: filename | fref stream | fref := filename asFileReference. stream := fref writeStream. stream nextPutAll: 'P3'; cr; print: width; nextPutAll: ' '; print: height; cr; print: cmax; cr. buf do: [ :pix | stream print: (pix red); nextPutAll: ' '; print: (pix green); nextPutAll: ' '; print: (pix blue); cr. ]. stream close. ! ! !MyBitMap methodsFor: 'utilities' stamp: 'JosephHalfmoon 7/8/2024 17:58'! generateSamplePattern | tR tG tB | tR := MyBitMapColor new red: 255 green: 0 blue: 0. tG := MyBitMapColor new red: 0 green: 255 blue: 0. tB := MyBitMapColor new red: 0 green: 0 blue: 255. 1 to: 256 do: [:j | 1 to: 85 do: [:i | self dotX: i dotY: j color: tR.]. 86 to: 170 do: [:i | self dotX: i dotY: j color: tG.]. 171 to: 256 do: [:i | self dotX: i dotY: j color: tB.]. ] ! ! !MyBitMap methodsFor: 'utilities' stamp: 'JosephHalfmoon 7/9/2024 15:07'! drawMandelbrot | pa pb | 1 to: 256 do: [ :i | pa := -1.5 + (i / 128.0). 1 to: 256 do: [ :j | pb := 1.0 - (j / 128.0). self dotX: i dotY: j color: (MyBitMapColor new setMandelbrotColorPIXa: pa b: pb) ] ] ! ! Object subclass: #MyBitMapColor instanceVariableNames: 'red green blue' classVariableNames: '' package: 'My-BitMap'! !MyBitMapColor commentStamp: 'JosephHalfmoon 7/8/2024 15:10' prior: 0! Bit Map color. ! !MyBitMapColor methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'JosephHalfmoon 7/8/2024 15:09'! green ^green! ! !MyBitMapColor methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'JosephHalfmoon 7/8/2024 15:09'! blue ^blue! ! !MyBitMapColor methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'JosephHalfmoon 7/8/2024 15:08'! initialize super initialize. red := 0. green := 0. blue := 0.! ! !MyBitMapColor methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'JosephHalfmoon 7/8/2024 15:11'! red: r green: g blue: b red := r. green := g. blue := b.! ! !MyBitMapColor methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'JosephHalfmoon 7/9/2024 14:52'! setMandelbrotColorPIXa: afloatA b: afloatB | mdlev | mdlev := self class mandelbrotPA: afloatA pb: afloatB. mdlev > 999 ifTrue: [ self red: 0 green: 0 blue: 0. ^ self ]. mdlev > 20 ifTrue: [ self red: 255 green: 255 blue: 255. ^ self ]. mdlev > 15 ifTrue: [ self red: 200 green: 200 blue: 120. ^ self ]. mdlev > 10 ifTrue: [ self red: 150 green: 150 blue: 120. ^ self ]. mdlev > 5 ifTrue: [ self red: 100 green: 100 blue: 120. ^ self ]. mdlev > 3 ifTrue: [ self red: 60 green: 60 blue: 120. ^ self ]. mdlev > 2 ifTrue: [ self red: 20 green: 20 blue: 120. ^ self ]. self red: 10 green: 10 blue: 80. ^ self ! ! !MyBitMapColor methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'JosephHalfmoon 7/8/2024 15:08'! red ^red! ! "-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- "! MyBitMapColor class instanceVariableNames: ''! !MyBitMapColor class methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'JosephHalfmoon 7/9/2024 14:43'! mandelbrotPA: afloatA pb: afloatB | xn yn x y r cnt | x := 0.0. y := 0.0. r := 0.0. cnt := 0. 1 to: 1000 do: [:i | xn := (x * x) - (y * y) + afloatA. yn := 2.0 * x * y + afloatB. r := (xn * xn) + (yn * yn). x := xn. y := yn. cnt := i. r > 100.0 ifTrue: [ ^ cnt ] ]. ^ cnt! ! PackageManifest subclass: #ManifestMyBitMap instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' package: 'My-BitMap-Manifest'! !ManifestMyBitMap commentStamp: '<historical>' prior: 0! Please describe the package using the class comment of the included manifest class. The manifest class also includes other additional metadata for the package. These meta data are used by other tools such as the SmalllintManifestChecker and the critics Browser! "-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- "! ManifestMyBitMap class instanceVariableNames: ''! !ManifestMyBitMap class methodsFor: 'code-critics' stamp: 'JosephHalfmoon 7/9/2024 14:52'! ruleLongMethodsRuleV1FalsePositive ^ #(#(#(#RGMethodDefinition #(#MyBitMapColor #setMandelbrotColorPIXa:b: #false)) #'2024-07-09T14:52:55.574211+09:00') )! !