たまたまその上でMicroPythonやっていたというだけで「ソフトウエア制御DMAC」のシーケンサと化していたM5Stackです。折角のM5Stackを単なるシーケンサに使うのはモッタイナイ。そこで今回「シーケンサ」ホストを台数に余裕のあるRaspberry Pi Pico機に変更。M5Stackはお役目から解放。
※「MicroPython的午睡」投稿順 Indexはこちら
# softDMA_REWRtest.py RpiPico from machine import SoftI2C, Pin import sys import time IOEX0 = 0x20 IOEX1 = 0x21 IOCONA = 0x0A IOCONB = 0x0B IODIRA = 0x00 IODIRB = 0x01 GPIOA = 0x12 GPIOB = 0x13 OLATA = 0x14 OLATB = 0x15 recount = 0 wecount = 0 i2c = SoftI2C(scl=Pin(1), sda=Pin(0), freq=100000) def isIOEXavailable(): global i2c lis = i2c.scan() if (IOEX0 in lis) and (IOEX1 in lis): return True return False def readByte(i2cADR, regADR): global i2c, recount bufW = bytes([regADR]) try: lim = 0 while lim < 5: if i2c.writeto(i2cADR, bufW) != 1: lim += 1 time.sleep_us(10) #$$$ else: break if lim >= 5: return -2 bufR = bytearray(1) ackR = i2c.readfrom_into(i2cADR, bufR) except OSError: recount += 1 return -1 return int.from_bytes(bufR, 'little') def writeByte(i2cADR, regADR, dat): global i2c, wecount bufW = bytes([regADR, dat]) try: lim = 0 ackW = 0 while (lim < 5) and (ackW < 2): ackW = i2c.writeto(i2cADR, bufW) lim += 1 time.sleep_us(10) #$$$ if lim >= 5: return -2 except OSError: wecount += 1 return -1 return ackW def letPortsHz(): writeByte(IOEX0, IODIRA, 0xFF) writeByte(IOEX0, IODIRB, 0xFF) writeByte(IOEX1, IODIRA, 0xFF) writeByte(IOEX1, IODIRB, 0xFF) def letADRbusOutput(): writeByte(IOEX1, OLATA, 0xFF) # initial value, A15-A8 writeByte(IOEX1, OLATB, 0xFF) # initial value, A7-A0 writeByte(IOEX1, IODIRA, 0x00) # DIR=ouput A15-A8 writeByte(IOEX1, IODIRB, 0x00) # DIR=ouput AD7-AD0 def letADRbusInput(): writeByte(IOEX1, IODIRA, 0xFF) # DIR=input A15-A8 writeByte(IOEX1, IODIRB, 0xFF) # DIR=input AD7-AD0 def outputADRbus(adr): adrH = (adr >> 8) & 0xFF adrL = adr & 0xFF writeByte(IOEX1, OLATA, adrH) # output A15-A8 writeByte(IOEX1, OLATB, adrL) # output AD7-AD0 def letDATAbusInput(): writeByte(IOEX1, IODIRB, 0xFF) # AD7-AD0 input def letDATAbusOutput(): writeByte(IOEX1, OLATB, 0xFF) # initial value, AD7-AD0 writeByte(IOEX1, IODIRB, 0x00) # DIR=ouput AD7-AD0 def outputDATAbus(dat): dat &= 0xFF writeByte(IOEX1, OLATB, dat) # output AD7-AD0 def inputDATAbus(): return readByte(IOEX1, GPIOB) # input AD7-AD0 # B0: ALE, B1: IO/M#, B2:RD#, B3:WR# # B4: RESET#, B5:HOLD, B6:HLDA, B7:--- def enableCONTSIG(): writeByte(IOEX0, OLATB, 0x3E) # NO RESET, HOLD writeByte(IOEX0, IODIRB, 0xC0) # HLDA, B7: input def disableCONTSIG(opt): if opt: writeByte(IOEX0, OLATB, 0x3E) # NO RESET, HOLD else: writeByte(IOEX0, OLATB, 0x1E) # NO RESET, NO HOLD writeByte(IOEX0, IODIRB, 0xCF) # RESET# HOLD : output def assertALE(): # NO RESET, HOLD, ALE while writeByte(IOEX0, OLATB, 0x3F) < 0: print("ALE") def assertMEMRD(): # NO RESET, HOLD, IO/M#, RD# while writeByte(IOEX0, OLATB, 0x38) < 0: print("MEMRD") def assertMEMWR(): # NO RESET, HOLD, IO/M#, WR# while writeByte(IOEX0, OLATB, 0x34) < 0: print("MEMWR") def assertRST(): writeByte(IOEX0, OLATB, 0x0E) def negateCNT(dbg): # NO RESET, HOLD while writeByte(IOEX0, OLATB, 0x3E) < 0: print("NEGCNT ", dbg) return -1 return 0 def assertM(): writeByte(IOEX0, OLATB, 0x3C) # NO RESET, HOLD, IO/M#=MEM def isHLDA(): temp = readByte(IOEX0, GPIOB) return (temp >> 6) & 1 def initDevices(): writeByte(IOEX0, IOCONA, 0x20) writeByte(IOEX0, IODIRA, 0xFF) writeByte(IOEX0, IODIRB, 0xCF) writeByte(IOEX0, OLATA, 0xFF) writeByte(IOEX0, OLATB, 0x1E) writeByte(IOEX1, IOCONA, 0x20) writeByte(IOEX1, IODIRA, 0xFF) writeByte(IOEX1, IODIRB, 0xFF) writeByte(IOEX1, OLATA, 0xFF) writeByte(IOEX1, OLATB, 0xFF) def wrMEM(adr, dat, opt): enableCONTSIG() while isHLDA() == 0: pass letADRbusOutput() outputADRbus(adr) assertALE() negateCNT("W1") outputDATAbus(dat) assertMEMWR() negateCNT("W2") letADRbusInput() disableCONTSIG(opt) def rdMEM(adr, opt): enableCONTSIG() while isHLDA() == 0: pass letADRbusOutput() outputADRbus(adr) assertALE() negateCNT("R1") letDATAbusInput() assertMEMRD() #time.sleep_us(100) dat = inputDATAbus() if negateCNT("R2") < 0: return -1 disableCONTSIG(opt) return dat def WrRdTest(startADDR, endADDR): global wecount, recount addr = startADDR dat = 0 while addr < endADDR: wrMEM(addr, dat, True) rddat = rdMEM(addr, True) if rddat < 0: print("EXIT") sys.exit(999) if rddat == dat: if (addr % 0x100) == 0: print("VERIFIED ADDRESS: 0x{0:04x}".format(addr)) else: wecount += 1 #print("ERROR ADDRESS: 0x{0:04x} WR=0x{1:02x} RD=0x{2:02x} {3} {4}".format(addr, dat, rddat, type(dat), type(rddat))) continue addr += 1 dat += 1 if dat > 0xFF: dat = 0 rddat = rdMEM(addr, False) print("recount:{0} wecount:{1}".format(recount, wecount)) def main(): global i2c print("SRAM RD/WR test") print("IO Expander is ", end="") if not isIOEXavailable(): print("not available.") else: print("available.") initDevices() WrRdTest(0x0, 0x1000) if __name__ == "__main__": main()